The best way to get in P.E. time for homeschool students is at Emilia's Gym! Our program provides one hour of gymnastics instruction and general fitness. Daytime classes are run in the same fashion as our evening rec classes (with some of our most experienced instructors leading our daytime classes), the only difference is the time of day they are offered!
From now through January 31, new enrollments for our Daytime & G.Y.M. Skills classes will receive their first 8-week session for just $150! This deal applies to brand new students, returning students who've taken an 8-week session off, and students switching FROM our evening/Saturday classes TO our Daytime classes.

G.Y.M. Skills
All-inclusive activity for children with neurological or physical disabilities.
GYM Skills stands for Growing Youth Motor Skills. Our goal is to provide a sensory-rich environment to develop fine and gross motor skills, foster social skills, and increase communication development. We strive to adapt and modify each child's program to match their individual needs.
If you've ever participated in our daytime class program, we want to hear from you! Feedback is the BEST way to help us improve our program for current and future students. Thank you in advance for your participation!